
HichiIchi: Unknown Dangerous Desires-Ch. 6

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Ch. 6

    It was still night, when he decided to go and tell Urahara about what happened. At first this is what he wanted to do. But he changed his mind. Something inside him told him not to go.
    He remained on the rooftop for the rest of the night and even after it. He looked at the sky which was changing its colors as the day was coming closer. The sun rose slowly. First it was crimson, then it gradually became orange. After that the sun was so bright that the teen couldn't, of course, look at it. That's how it was supposed to be. He looked around and sighed. The teen felt a bit relaxed despite all that happened recently. At least today seemed a normal day. The air was fresh, springlike and the sky had some clouds. It finally looked like a normal spring day.
    The teen entered his room through the window and transformed in his human form. He stretched his back and went to the bathroom to take a shower. The water was hot and that relaxed him even more. He left the shower with a blue towel around his waist. The teen went to the washbasin and turned on the water. He put some toothpaste on his toothbrush and begun to brush his teeth while looking through the bath's window.
    The bath was sunk in sunlight and that gave him a warm feeling. He would have smiled if his mouth wasn't busy with the toothbrush. When he finished brushing his teeth he turned his gaze at the mirror.
    The teen stepped back, pointed a finger at the mirror, and let a scream out. His eyes were widened in shock.
      'What the…?' he tried to say but he couldn't in the end.
    Instead of his reflection, the mirror showed a guy with white hair, super pale skin, gold eyes with black sclera, and with a big grin. It was no one else, but his Hollow, Hichigo, or at least Zangetsu called him that way.
      'You...What the hell are you doing here?' Ichigo started to shout at the mirror.
      'Tch. Yer no fun, King! Ya won't listen ta meh if I don' just pop up. 'bout tha' girl ya stopped me 'rom killin' her…', a hoarse voice said in his head but the hollow within the mirror was moving but  made no sound.
      'I don't need to listen to you, Hichigo!', the teen said disgusted.
      'Didja just called meh Hichigo? Old Man Zangetsu…Ya'll pay fer tellin' 'im.', the albino hissed. 'Don't ever call me Hichigo again! I hate tha' name.', the albino said with a threatening low voice.
      'Whatever.', the teen said and turned to leave the bathroom.
      'Tha' girl ain't what ya think she is. Ya should've let me kill 'er. She…', the albino said with a serious voice while Ichigo was leaving the bathroom.
      'I don't want to hear. I can't trust you, you monster! I would be really stupid if I did so. So leave me alone already. I am busy.' the teen interrupted him.
      'It's important! Please! She is a…fekuhfuej', Hichigo said with a desperate voice but the teen interrupted him again. He didn't want to listen to that parasite.
    Ichigo returned in his room and sighed. That parasite ruined the mood, the day, everything. What was he babbling about? Aoi was a human being, nothing more.
    He threw himself in bed and stared at the clouds. What was wrong with his hollow? He was acting strange. No, he was like that always. Still something felt odd. The orangette never saw that guy serious until that morning. 'I guess he is acting. After all, he is only a… hollow…', Ichigo started to think but stopped suddenly. Zangestu said he wasn't a hollow, Ichigo was tempted to think that way too. But then what was he? Could the teen trust him? And those dreams…In the last one he was with a stranger, but in the first he was kissing the hollow.
      'Damn it!' Ichigo murmured as he realized that in the last dream the stranger was his hollow.
    He remembered the albino's cold body, that furious kiss, the way Hichigo bit his neck, licked the blood with his cold tongue, those cold and strong fingers that were holding his neck. Everything.
    And Ichigo's heart started to beat crazier and crazier as he remembered the dream. And more than that he wanted more. Right now. Was THAT even possible? He sure was nuts. Did Shinji and others have those problems with their hollows too? Something told him that they didn't.
      'I'm tired, that's all', Ichigo talked to himself and gave up on his thoughts. He really was afraid to know what was wrong with him. Deep inside him he knew the answer so well, but his consciousness would accept it. So he pushed those questions away from his mind. He had too more problems without his love affairs.


    Ichigo was in Soul Society since yesterday. They wanted him back so he could train more. That's what they told him, at least. He just ended his battle with Toshiro, and he was heading back to his room. He trained almost all day with the captains and vice-captains and he was tired.
    The sun was setting slowly, hiding after the mountains and painting the sky with orange. As he was walking to his room, Rukia waved her hand and came near him.
      'You did a good job today, Ichigo', she said trying to cheer him up and she wasn't lying.
      'Yeah.', was all Kurosaki Ichigo could say at that moment.
    Rukia went silent. She could see that there was something buzzing him, only if she could ask him…if he would answer her question. That was the problem.
       'Ichigo, did something happened while you were in the Human World?', she said it. She just couldn't bear to see him troubled.
    Ichigo stopped walking, turned his gaze at her and looked in her eyes for a few minutes. He wasn't sure if he had to tell her. He didn't want to worry her.
      'No. Everything is fine.', he lied turning his gaze and starting to walk. He couldn't tell her after all.
      'Ichigo. Don't lie to me. I know something is wrong. You'll only make me worry more if you hide it, you know.', she said with a serious face, and grabbed Ichigo's chin to make him look at her.
    He sighed and told her everything, well, almost everything. He couldn't tell her about the perverted dreams he had. That was his problem.
      'I see. So you say there's a new girl in town. Is she a Shinigami?', Rukia asked.
      'No. She is human. Nothing more. But that shadow. He's starting to annoy me. I hope that Aoi-san is ok.', Ichigo replied. 'It's alright. I will find out who he is and what he wants and I'll defeat him.',Ichigo said and entered in his room. 'See you tomorrow, Rukia!', he said and closed the door.
    The teen covered himself with a blanket and tried to sleep. And he did fell asleep.

*Meanwhile in a weak lighted café*
      'Tch. He left., a shadow said with a pissed voice. Now really. This mission's takin' too long.' .
      'Shut up. He'll come back. We just have to wait a little longer', the other shadow said with his calm voice and drank his tea.
      'A little longer, a little longer, my ass! That's all ya say. I'm bored. I want my berry back!', the other shouted and punched the table.
    But before he could say something the calm shadow slap the other's face.
      'OI! What' was tha' for?', the victim shouted.
      'Shut up, trash! You are annoying., the other explained and drank his tea.
    They went silent. They were going to wait Kurosaki Ichigo return and finalize their diabolic plan.
Hichi: Why da hell am I a called a parasite again? :icononionnouplz:

Me: That's how Ichi thinks don't blame me. :icondontunderstandplz:

Hichi: You...:icondestroyplz:

Me: Oi! Don't destroy my house! :icononionnouplz:

Hichi: Didja say somethin'? :iconcomeoverhereplz:

Me: :iconruncryplz:

Hichi: :iconrunrunrunplz: Hrrrr. *puts his mask and activates his bankai*

Me: :iconawkwardplz::iconscaredtodeathplz::iconimdeadplz:

Ichi: Shiro, please don't hurt her. :iconichigoukefaceplz:

Hichi: :iconnosebleedingplz: O-ok...

Ch. 2:[link]
Ch. 3:[link]
Ch. 4:[link]
Ch. 5:[link]
Ch. 7:[link]

So here's the new chpt. I hope you like it.

All character belong to Tite Kubo, except the shadows.
© 2012 - 2024 DarkRed-Rose
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mageofdarkmagic's avatar
yay grimmjow and ulquiorra the trash thing gave it all away