
HichiIchi:Unknown Dangerous Desires-Ch. 2

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Ch. 2
Silver, Blood and Shadows

   A faint silver light entered the hole called window. He was lying on his bed being covered by a silky white sheet. He stood up and stared through the window shocked. A black and white world showed before him. The white sand dunes were as still as always, and the sky was pitch black, without any clouds. But what shocked him wasn't the solitary place where he was born. It was the moon existence that startled him, its light .There was light! The moon was in the waxing crescent phase, its glow stroking the sand dunes blankly. It was staying there, on the pitch black sky, with a boldly and defiant attitude, like an ice queen. The moon was piercing through his dark world,  making him feel a bit empty inside.
   His dirty dark world was exposed, even if the light wasn't very bright. He felt exposed to it's light, after all he was a monster. All he wanted was to slaughter, to see blood and corpses everywhere. He wanted to destroy everything in a violent way. That light exposed his dark heart so much. And how he hated it. Why would he need light when he can have darkness instead? If there was no light he could do whatever he wanted without any care. But now, everything was ruined, wasn't it?
   But as much as he hated it, he loved it. He was afraid of it, but maybe that's why he felt attracted to it so much. There wasn't a big deal, after all. He was who he was. He couldn't deny it. But that wasn't the real reason. He realised what happened in the end. He has fallen from his hell, his monstrous being started to feel. He had feelings! No wonder he kissed that person. But didn't he already know that? Why was he so afraid of admitting it? His heart throbbed painfully in his chest. He wouldn't be accepted, of course, after all he was a monster. That amplified the pain in his chest. He was so close to that person, yet so far away.
   'Tha' guy would kill meh if he discovers.', the Hollow wailed with a miserable and desperate voice. 'Notta mention I almost got discovered, actually. If he..No. I hafta keep 't a secret!' he concluded with a serious voice. 'If he founds out I've fallen fer 'im..tha' would be mah end.' He sighed.
   He wasn't sure whether it was love or something else, but whatever it was it had to remain a secret. Until when? The asnwer was obvious, of course. He had to keep it a secret until he died and ,who knows, maybe even after his death.
   Hichigo sighed again and kept looking at the black sky. He felt so empty, so lonely, so hopeless. He knew these feelings' names but he never experienced them before. He felt Ichigos' sadness a few times before. But that was nothing compared to how he was feeling right now. Hichigo was feeling so sorrowful, so wretched when he thought that Ichigo would never look at him properly, that Ichigo would never accept him, that the teen will see him as a parasite for the rest of his life, that he was going to die alone with his feelings buried deep down in him.
   'Those feelings would never be reached by the light. The only thing he will see will be my monstrosity, nothing else.'he said firmly and he threw himself in his fluffy bed. White feathers begun to float in the air and then they slowly fall back.
   Hichigo caught one of them in his hand. His face was serious and his eyes were filled with a dark sadness. He thought that the feather was so strong when a bird was flying but it was so fragile staying in his hand. It remembered him of Ichigo. 'So strong, yet so fragile...'.. Hichigo closed his eyes..he felt so tired.


   Ichigo was training with Renji in Soul Society, when a Hell Butterfly came to him.
He was told that he had to go and talk to Kuchiki-taichou. The Substitute Shinigami wiped his forehead and smiled at Renji.
    'We will continue this later.', the teen said and the red-haired nodded.
   Ichigo used shunpo to arrive to Byakuya's desk. The raven haired taichou was writing something when Ichigo entered the room.
    'You called', the teen said.
    'Yes, I did.' Byakuya answered even though Ichigo didn't address him any question. 'You'll go back in the Real World. We think you are strong enough to stay there without getting kidnapped. Not that I'm insulting your friends. But you are as strong as a taichou, and with the mask you have even more power. I hope you understand.', Kuchiki Byakuya said calmly.
    'I'm not stupid.',Ichigo murmured and for a few seconds the raven haired frowned at the teen then he went back at his normal look.
    'You'll leave in 30 minutes. Any questions?' Byakuya said.
    'Yes..Will I leave alone?', Ichigo tried to use a calm voice as Byakuya did, but he failed, he was curious.
    'Yes, because Karakura Town already has Urahara and Yoruichi so there's no need for other Shinigami to go there.'
   Ichigo nodded then left Byakuyas' desk and went to see Rukia. He found her under the tree that he rested a week ago. He remembered about the kiss and blushed.
    'Ichigo', the raven haired girl said a bit surprised. 'What's wrong?' she asked trying to hide the curiosity that filled her purple eyes.
    'N-nothing.',he said with a low voice. He wasn't sure whether he was alright or not. 'I will leave in 30 minutes. They are sending me back.', he said trying not to think about that kiss.
    'Yeah, I heard.', the midget said with a disappointed look. 'But that's not what's puzzling you, right?',she added with a strange voice.'You are acting strange since a week ago or something like this. Tell me, what happened?', the tiny girl said firmly.
   Ichigo looked at her troubled. He didn't know whether to tell her or not. It wasn't a big deal, for God's sake!
    'It's nothing', he said after a few minutes, after all he couldn't tell her.
   Rukia shook her head in disapproval. Of course she didn't buy his lies, now..who would anyway? She knew he was hiding something important. She saw him blushing very often while he stared at the sky. 'He must be in love',she thought.'But with who?'.
     'Ichigo, by any chance, are you in love?', she asked leisurely with a big grin on her face. Ichigo widened his eyes, he wasn't in love, right? Well, there's no one who would fall just because they were kissed on the forehead while they were sleeping. No he wasn't in love, but he had the impression that the doer liked him. He didn't know why, though.
     'No.',he said bluntly and he wasn't lying.'It's just...',he started being uncertain of what he wanted to say so he rephrased. 'I think someone likes me, but I don't know who she or he is. I was kissed while I was sleeping under this tree', he said pointing at the tree.
     'She or he?',Rukia asked shocked.'Why would a GUY kiss you? Ichigo, by any chance, are you gay? Or at least bi?',she asked with the same shocked voice.
     'No. It's just that I felt a faint men's perfume.',he explained amused.
     'Ah, I see. Well, even if you were gay or bi, it wouldn't be a problem. I mean I wouldn't leave you.',she said a bit panicked.
     'I know, Rukia.',he said gently, he was trusting her.'Well, it wasn't a big deal, she or he kissed me on my forehead, but I can't get rid of this impression. Maybe I'm too proud of myself, who knows?',he said troubled.
     'Who knows, but I tempted to think like you. I don't know why. I guess it's instinct. Well, you should wait for the second attack. Anyway, relax. You will solve it. I know you do.', she advised him and he felt a bit released from those puzzling thoughts. She was right. Let the time resolve the problem.
     'Thank you, Rukia!', he said giving her a big smile then he left for her luck. She was blushing violently and yes,she liked him. She didn't like the story about the kiss. That person ran away before Ichigo could see him or her. That strengthen the his hypothesis about the person being a guy. Maybe the guy was embarrassed. But even a girl gets embarrassed. Still, she felt something wrong about it. Now she understood how the teen felt in the past week. They both had a bad feeling about it, more or less.


   Ichigo was sitting on a bench, looking at the clouds. It was so peaceful that it seemed unreal. The sun was shining bright, the wind wasn't blowing at all. The park was filled with happy people. In short, it was a perfect spring day.
   Even so, he felt uneasy. Something was wrong. Everything was so peaceful, it looked like the tranquil before the storm. He moved his gaze from the sky to look at the living fence in front of him. He stared at it for a long time. He wasn't sure but a strange reiatsu came from it. The teen felt it at a low rate but there was power behind it. Probably the person tried to hide himself, but he or she wasn't too successful. He stood up and went about 2 meters when he saw the living fence moving. All he could see was a shadow, a pure shadow, and it was a guys' one. The teen stopped and so did the shadow. He stared at it and the shadow seemed to do that as well. Now that was too much! The orangette moved forward closing little by little the gap between him and that guy. It didn't move at first, then it vanished.
   'What the..', Ichigo murmured shocked when it disappeared. He was sure he saw right. Well, when you don't know something, the only thing you can do is to go to Urahara.
   The teen left the park. He was walking calmly, but his senses were vigilant. There was nothing wrong no matter where he looked. Or at least that's what he thought. The shadow was in a cafe, but Ichigo didn't noticed it. The shadow smirked devilishly while drinking his coffee. Maybe it was the time for him to show in his real form. Another shadow approached him and put a hand on his shoulder.
    'Not now', a calm voice said.
    'Tch', the other replied and both vanished.


    'Shadows you say..', Urahara said thoughtful then he take another bite from his pizza. 'Well this is something I never heard about.', he said with a serious look on his face. 'I will investigate it, so you have to be very vigilant.', he ended and Ichigo nodded since his mouth was full of pizza.
   After they ate Ichigo stood up and said that he has to go home. Urahara nodded and the teen left. On his way back he didn't sense anything strange and when he arrived home he went straight to his room. He searched for the strange reiatsu but he didn't feel anything. He sighed relieved, but it was too early. On his pillow there was laying a sheet of black paper. The teen stared at it for a few minutes then he approached. Ichigo discovered, for his terror, blood on the floor. A lot of blood. He widened his eyes in shock. He sniffed it but he didn't know whose blood was. He turned and looked at the black ticket. With trembling fingers he took the ticket. Then he turned on the light and started to read the ticket.

"Like what you see? Well, it doesn't matter if you like it or not. You are lucky this time it wasn't someone you knew. Beware of the livin fences. You never know what might come up from them".

   He stuffed the ticket in his pocket, then he cleaned the blood. He threw himself in bed and it took a long time until he fell asleep. The situation begun to stink. When he fell asleep he found himself in a place that looked like Hueco Mundo, but it wasn't Hueco Mundo and it was obvious.
   The teen was covered by a silky white sheet and he was lying in a fluffy bed. Next to him, for his surprise, was sleeping his hollow. Why..?
Hichi: Finally, some action.:iconpervyhichigoplz: But it ain't enough, ya know. :iconsighingplz:

Me: I know, I know. Wait just a little longer. I have big plans. :iconplanningplz:

Ichi: Who are those two shadows? :iconcuriosityplz:

Hichi: Ya care abou' da shadows more tha' ya care 'bout me? :iconshockplz:Yer so cruel :icongivingupplz:. This means only one thing. PUNISHMENT. :icondignitylaughplz: :iconpervyhichigoplz:

Ichi: :iconscaredtodeathplz:

Ch. 0: [link]
Ch. 1: [link]
Ch. 3:[link]
And here's a pic of the cafe the shadows were 'visiting'[link] Or the 2nd version [link]

The pic is not mine.

I do not own Bleach and all the characters belongs to Kubo Tite.
© 2012 - 2024 DarkRed-Rose
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deaths-slave-1's avatar
the suspence is killing me!! cliff-hanger much!?!?!